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Planning Board Minutes 05/06/1999
(603) 798-4350

MAY 6, 1999

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Harold Arey, Joanna McIntosh, Paul Adams, Ron Lesieur, Stan Brehm, Pauline Cote, Fred Fenton

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and requested that they review the minutes of April 1, 1999.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                McIntosh/Arey                           (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Bob Tarantino/Lewis Marston Owner
                                        Site Review – New Business – Glass Shop/Rental Space
                                        Map 8, Lot 51, Suncook Valley Road

PUBLIC HEARING:                 SMTM Realty Trust, Daniel Welden, Trustee
                                        Map 10, Lot 9-1, Hilliard Road

ABUTTERS PRESENT: Anthony Torrey and Ronald Duford

Tim Bernier presented the Board with final plans. The plan shows the areas of concern which have been corrected, the water problem, cul-de-sac and the blind corner.

The Conservation Commission and the Planning Board went to visit the site to review abutters concerns the Board was confident that Mr. Bernier and his client would fix the water problem.  The Board also reviewed the Town Engineers report. Chairman Scott will call and review it further with Bill Rollins.

SMTM Realty Trust is willing to provide the town with a sum of money to upgrade the road.  The Board was in agreement that SMTM would need to hire a contractor to do this project.

Mr. Duford informed the Board that the pins to his property line are in the roadway at the top of the hill, this should be mentioned to the Road Agent to have this fixed when the cul-de-sac goes in.

The following notes will be placed on the plan:

Removal of stone and earth at the blind corner.
Construction of a “P” shaped cul-de-sac.
Removal of existing culvert and construction of a 360 foot off road side swale.
Construction of a new culvert at Anthony Torry’s property.
No Occupancy permits will be given until all work is complete and approved by the Road Agent.

Motion was made to accept the plan with the above notes added.

                Arey/Fenton                             (Passed)


PUBLIC HEARING:                 Debbie Fox/Lloyd Kendall Owner
                                        Home Occupation – Reflexology
                                        Map 3, Lot 15, Dover Road

ABUTTERS PRESENT: Gary and Pam DePalma

Mr. Andrew Fox presented the Board with his driveway permit from district V.

Motion was made to accept the Home Occupation.

                Arey/Lesieur                            (Passed)

Stan Brehm stepped down from the Board for the following hearing because he is an abutter.

DESIGN REVIEW   :                        Gary DePalma – Gary’s RV
                        Site Review – RV Show Lot
                                        Map 3, Lot 9, Dover Road


Gary presented the Board with plans.  The driveway will remain off Chichester Lane and not off of Route 4.

The new lot will be enclosed by white PVC fence and there will be new lights.

Design Review was closed.

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Gary DePalma – Gary’s RV
                                        Site Review – RV Show Lot
                                        Map 3, Lot 9, Dover Road

Gary Presented the Board with final plans he will need to change owner of record for Map 3, Lot 32 and next abutters after Gary’s property.  Also change the lots that are stated map 3 to correct to map 4.

Motion was made to accept the final plans with the above changes.

                        Arey/McIntosh                   (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                 David and Susan Hartley
                                        Home Occupation/Sign Making
                                        Map 5, Lot 81, Corner, Main St. / Deer Meadow Rd.

David requests a Home Occupation/Sign Making on his property.  The Board agreed this was an accepted use.

Motion was made to accept this Home Occupation.

                        Arey/Brehm                      (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                             Blaine Hopkins/Doug Hamel Property
                                        Telecommunications Tower
                                        Map 3, Lot 29, Dover Road

Mr. Hopkins presented a plan showing the lot for which the tower will be located.  The tower will be placed 488 feet from Route 4 and at least 190 feet from any abutter’s property line.

The tower will be 190 feet high.  This tower will accommodate 6 carriers and there will also be space available for the municipality if the need arises. 190 feet is because each carrier needs 10 to 15 feet between each carrier equipment and the sites start at about 150 feet and works its way up.


There will be a fence adequate to meet the town request 6,8 or 10 feet, they will also put up a squirrel cage type deterrent on the tower for situations if someone gets into the fence, this is built out from the tower at a sufficient height.

Mr. Hopkins would like to move on with the process.

Design Review is set for June 3, 1999.

DISCUSSION:                             Tom Towle
                                        Map 5, Lot 27A, Center Road


DISCUSSION:                             Kevin Mara
                                        Site Review – Addition to Building
                                        Map 3, Lot 23, King and Dover Road

Brian Lombard presented the Board with plans showing previous and new construction.

The new building will consist of 2700 square feet of office space.  The parking area will consist of 16 paved parking spaces. Dr. Mara will also be adding a new garage.

Mr. Lombard will review the septic system and get state approval that this is adequate for the new building.
The signature box for the Planning Board Chairman needs to be on the plan.

Design Review and Public Hearings set for June 3, 1999.

DISCUSSION:                             Craig Shibbles
                                        Home Occupation – Bedding Sales
                                        Map 9, Lot 134A, Suncook Valley Road

Mr. Shibbles would like to change his home occupation from Antique sales to bedding sales.  He will have around 6 mattresses with accessories.

Motion to make this an allowable use as a home occupation.

                        Arey/Fenton                     (Passed)

Motion to change the home occupation from antique to bedding sales.

                        Fenton/Arey                     (Passed)

Design Review and Public Hearing set for June 3, 1999

DISCUSSION:                             Tom Skidmore/Mark Drew Owner
                                        Map 1, Lot 4A, Short Falls Road

Mr. Skidmore would like to purchase this property and subdivide it into 2 lots.  This property is in the residential zone and would qualify to be subdivided with 600-foot frontage and 5 acres.  The Board explained he should go to the surveyor who first did the subdivision and find out if he can get two buildable lots out of this piece of property.  Mr. Skidmore was informed that this indeed is in the residential zone and that was the answer he was looking for to continue.


DISCUSSION:                             Mike Seraikas/Mary Upton Owner
                                        Map 7, Lot 17, Ferrin Road

Mr. Seraikas presented the Board with plans for 40 acre 4 lot subdivision with a 300-foot road ending in a cul-de-sac.

There was discussion on whether this was a class 5 or 6 road, the selectmen representative assured the Board this is a class 5 road.

Chairman Scott will speak with Bill Rollings at SEA

Design Review set for June 3, 1999

DISCUSSION:                             Bob Lincoln – Furniture Discounters
                                        Site Review – Retail Store
                                        Map 3, Lot 18, Dover Road

Web Stout presented the Board with preliminary plans with a 10,000 square foot building, 6,500 square foot of display area.  The parking is based on the area of retail store ground floor square footage and will be calculated in that fashion.

They will need a driveway permit from District 5.

Design Review set for June 3, 1999

Motion to adjourn.

                Arey/Lesieur                            (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:40pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott, Chairman